Monday, May 28, 2007

Ikea and Pies

“creating a better everyday life for the many people”

1998 – Ikea opened its first store in China in Shanghai.
There are now 4 Ikea stores in China located in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chengdu.

“the Scandinavian way”

IKEA contends that it has been a pioneering force in sustainable approaches to mass consumer culture. Kamprad refers to the concept as "democratic design," meaning that the company applies an integrated approach to manufacturing and design (see also environmental design). In response to the explosion of human population and material expectations in the 20th and 21st century, the company implements economies of scale, capturing material streams and creating manufacturing processes that hold costs and resource use down, such as the extensive use of particle board. The intended result is flexible, adaptable home furnishings, scalable both to smaller homes and dwellings as well as large houses.
Newer IKEA stores are usually very large blue boxes with few windows. They are often designed around a "one-way" layout which leads customers along "the long natural way".

Design reform
As pointed out by circuit lecturer Will Novosedlik, IKEA embodies the principles of design reform begun by William Morris and John Ruskin, insofar as the company seeks to elevate public taste by providing quality goods at affordable prices.

Notes/ thoughts:

"The Scandinavian Way" - as found on the Ikea China website. China is buying into and embracing european furnishings, lifestyle products. There is even a link on the website homepage to Swedish Food!

>>Feeling apart of a different culture? a new culture?
If i had a New Zealand company that created products that were popular in China perhaps i'd also sell Meat Pies on it!
NZ pies are also very popular with overseas Asians and is something that is missed when they return home.

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