Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films

Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films by Rey Chow (2007, Columbia University Press)

A snippet from the book i found randomly that interested me:
1 The Seductions of Homecoming
Tempress Moon and the Question of Origins
..Even though it has been an overwhelmingly successful phenomenon worldwide since the late 1980s, contemporary Chinese cinema is habitually greeted by Chinse-speaking audiences with cynicism if not hostility. It is as if the accomplishments of this cinema have an impossible task in returning home. The simple fact that it has traveled abroad and been gazed at with enthusiasm by foreigners is apparently enough to cause it to lose trustworthines as wholly and genuinely Chinese..
With this in mind I believe I shouldn't try too hard to make my product seem authentically Chinese. Could my designed product be a gift to China...? My own ode?

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