Sunday, May 27, 2007

Transitional spaces

Transitional spaces is my term for the spaces you travel between where you are now, and your destination. The spaces you are in during transit.

From the topics I researched into, Transition was one of the main themes that I noticed. Whether it be the transition of China towards Westernisation in a visible manner, or the transition of the mind to another place through the european furnishings of an apartment.

Examples of products that are in the tranisitional space includes public furniture. However where a transitional spaced product could go and could be is numerous - a door >> transitions you from the outside world into your private world. The product could be a/for a staircase, footpath, road, sign post.

I wish to create a "product for the people", not a "private product"

Feedback I received about this through the small class discussion raised the following points:

  • Sharing public spaces
  • Public spaces can be dangerous because of thieves
  • A transitional space product would work better in a place of common interest eg. building foyers, parks.

Life is about experiences and to enhance the experience of transitioning would make life just that little bit more interesting yes? - perhaps the product could help you to create your own adventure between where you are now and where you're going next.

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