Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Interim Presentation

Yesterday i had my interim presentation to Roger..

I have alot of work to do indeed! But i shall get there! What is needed is a design research freeze! An insight that stood out to Roger and me was Xie He of the 6th Century first principle in his Guhua Pinlu - Spirit Resonance

Today at class we had a small class discussion starring Marco, Darin, Daniel, Opeta, Santi, Karen, Melody and Frances. It was regarding the project brief: how we were doing with it and what we were doing with it! - it was also to get suggestions and advice to help all of us create a better design. It went great. I especially appreciated the input from the class in regards to my project approach as at this stage it isnt as clear as most of my classmates!

A bit of information i picked up from the talk:

  • The importance of Feng Shui varies between families and areas of China.
  • The screen feature in Chinese homes should have no small plants infront of it (on the side facing the door)
  • There are different Feng Shui rules/setups for the office.
  • Multi-functioning products are popular. - This makes alot of sense as these products may take up as much as room as one product but can do the tasks of two! therefore saving on space.
  • There are Chinese lucky patterns
  • http://www.China-elements.com - good place to find patterns, furniture etc
  • Bamboo is a commonly used material in the south as it is hotter and the material stays naturally cooler.
  • Furniture made from Ratan vine
  • The Green Collar Club - a sustainability club in China.

I'll post up soon what i had similarly discussed with Roger and the class plus feedback.


КАЯЕИ said...

check this

dgd said...

BB, just do it--public bench.

piñatas said...

hello bhavesh! i have something for you in my blog!
they are benches that are placed in china =)

chai.design said...

Double B, I agree with D.G, Just do the Bench and do it for the apartment roof!..as I posted on little mexican's blog..it is the new trend right to have sceneries of high rises and cloudy sky! :) all the best to whatever you settle on...can't wait to see the final product(s)!

Antony said...

hey bro

Roger Bateman said...

have you checked the escofet website yet?
there are plentof domestic gardens where benches are used - it doesnt have to go public. materials???? processes????